
Se till att du har ett giltigt certifikat för I Run Clean

ÅSKAG Maja 9517 Maja Åskag med I Run Clean på nummerlappen.


European Athletics har lanserat en ny plattform för e-learning, och har samtidigt flyttat kursen I Run Clean till den. De har också uppdaterat tidsfristerna för förnyelse. Se till att din I Run Clean fortfarande är giltig, eftersom det är obligatoriskt att klara den här kursen för få representera Sverige på landskamper och mästerskap.


För att inte skapa någon form av missförstånd i samband med översättningen av ändringarna återger vi här informationen från EA i sin helhet på engelska.

European Athletics' new E-Learning platform / I Run Clean 

We are delighted to announce the launch of European Athletics' new E-Learning platform. With this new platform, European Athletics is rising to the growing challenge of digitalisation of our content. All our users: athletes, coaches, officials, leaders, etc. will be able to sign in to the platform and access a wide range of content. 

European Athletics has decided to use the same platform as World Athletics in order to centralise all its E-learning content on a single hub. Although European Athletics’ branch is independent and has its own content, it will be easier for users to connect and move from one entity to another. 

You can access the platform here

One important change is the migration of the I Run Clean certification to this new platform. I Run Clean course will be available on this platform starting from 22 January 2024. You will be able to discover a brand new, more innovative and up-to-date design when you take the I Run Clean course. This more dynamic course will help to boost the number of certifications across Europe. It means that the previous platform will be closed during the day of 22 January 2024. 


The old address will be still active and will redirect to the new e-learning platform. 

I Run Clean certification will remain a mandatory requirement for taking part in European Athletics events, as stipulated in the competition regulations for each competition. 

You can find below a few details about I Run Clean: 

  • Anyone with I Run Clean certification valid on 20 January 2024 will keep their valid certification until 01 January 2026. 
  • Anyone with I Run Clean certification expired on 20 January 2024 will have to take the refresher module on the new platform. 
  • All users with a non-finished course by 20 January 2024 will have to restart the entire course on the new platform. 

Moreover, in the coming weeks, the I Run Clean programme will be expanded to include three new modules designed specifically for coaches, medical personals and leaders. This will be an excellent opportunity to educate all athletes' entourage about the fight against doping. All the languages will also be available progressively. 

Anna Jonsson 2023

Anna Jonsson

Föreningssupport, antidoping & försäkringar

070-698 17 79



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