

A warm welcome to Folksam Grand Prix Borås

– a World Athletics Continental Challenge meeting and part of the Swedish Folksam Grand Prix series.

Competition arena: Ryavallen, Erikslundsplatsen 1, 506 31 Borås.

Parking: Free parking next to the Indoor Arena, Ryahallen.

Athlete’s service at the hotel: For athletes that have a room booked at the hotel Scandic Plaza there will be volunteers in place the day before the competition between 15.00-18.00 (3-6 PM). When arriving at other times please get in contact with Elisabeth Eickhoff +46 768-887261.

Times for dinner/lunch will be announced at the hotel.

Transport to the arena during the day of the competition will begin 2.5 hours before the main programme starts.

Entrance: For athletes and coaches main entrance to the competition area is through a gate located next the main entrance of the Indoor Arena Ryahallen (on the same side as the parking lot). Every athlete can be accompanied on the arena by one coach with accreditation. Accreditation for coaches can be picked up at the Athletes service desk inside Ryahallen.

Changing rooms/toilets: There are 2 changing rooms with showers and toilets in the Indoor arena. Two additional toilets are available at the indoor warm-up area, as well as outside under the audience stand.

Bibs: Can be collected at the Athletes service desk inside Ryahallen from 15.00 (3 PM) on the day of the competition. All participants will receive two bibs to be worn on the chest and the back, jumpers must wear at least one bib. The bibs should not be folded in any way.

Athletes that for any reason cannot participate in the event after collecting their bib must immediately notify staff in the Call Room.

Late entry: May be accepted under certain circumstances. Send requests for late entry to at the latest Tuesday August 20. No late entries will be accepted during the day of competition. Late entry fee is SEK 300/entry. Payment of late entry fees via invoice/PG number after the event.

Cancellations: Any cancellations of "confirmed athletes" in the main programme should be informed Tuesday August 20 at 18.00 (6 PM) by the latest. Cancellations are sent to If you have not informed of your cancellation a fee of SEK 1000 will be charged.

Confirmation of entries: For all events 90 minutes before start of event. Confirmation is done personally by the competing athlete with a signature. Confirmation lists are posted next to the Athletes service desk inside Ryahallen.

Calling: Is held in the Call Room inside Ryahallen. All athletes will be escorted from the Call Room to the competition area. The procedures are as follows:

  • Track events (except hurdles), report to the Call Room 20 minutes before event and infield entrance 10 minutes before
  • Hurdles, report to the Call Room 25 minutes before event and infield entrance 15 minutes before
  • Field events, report to the Call Room 40 minutes before event and infield entrance 30 minutes before

Shoe rules: All athletes must be updated, aware of and comply with the World Athletics regulations regarding competition shoes, and only shoes on the World Athletics list of approved shoes are allowed. Shoe controls may be carried out in the Call Room.

Warm-up: Can be done at the indoor track or outside the stadium. Warm-up with throws implements can only be done indoors at designated places.

Clothes baskets: At the start of the track events clothes baskets will be available for all runners. After the start these will be transported to a tent in connection with the Mixed zone shortly after the finish line.

Track events: The eight best times in the start list in M 110mh will be directly qualified for the A-final.

Six "confirmed athletes" will be directly qualified for the A-final in M 100m, W 100mh. The remaining two participants will be given to the athletes that come in place 1-2 in the B-final, which will take place in the pre-meeting.

Seven "confirmed athletes" will be directly qualified for the A-final in K 100m. The remaining place will be given to the athlete that come in first place in the B-final, which will take place in the pre-meeting.

Women’s 400m is consisting of two heats. Heat 2 will be a match between Sweden-Finland with four athletes for each country. Heat 1 is open for the remaining eight fastest from the start list. We do a combined result list for prize money and ranking costs from the two heats. In the match between Sweden and Finland points will be awarded as follows: 7-5-4-3-2-1. In the case of a draw, the team with the first runner crossing the line will be appointed winner. Any B-final in the men’s 400mh will take place in the post-meeting.

High jump: Notify the event secretary your starting bar hights according to the following schedule.
+2 cm

Personal implements: Should be checked and marked as approved 90 minutes before start. The implements are handed to officials at the outdoor control station (next to the 200m start) , which can be reached from within the indoor arena. Approved implements are made available to all athletes and can be collected directly after completed event.

Infield exit: The event coordinator will guide athletes competing in field events after completed event. The winner will be taken directly to the interview spot and the rest of the athletes will go through the Mixed zone on the way out from the infield.

Infield: We remind everyone that it is not allowed to be on the infield unless one is competing.

Protests/appeals: An oral protest should be made to the Referee of the event. An appeal to the Jury of Appeal must be made within 30 minutes in writing accompanied by a deposit of USD 100, which will be forfeited if the appeal is not allowed.

Prize ceremony: No price ceremony, only flower ceremony for the winners. In track events there will be prize money only for the runners in A-finals. Only events in the main program has prize money.

Payments: Travel reimbursements, appearance fees and prize money are bank transferred after the meet. There will be a 15 % tax reduction on all prize and appearance money, in accordance with Swedish laws.

Results: Are posted on the competiton webside:

Medical services: Medical service is available at the stadium during competition.

Doping control: Athletes must bring a valid photo identification such as Passport to the competition. If you are chosen by the Anti-doping delegate for doping control you must be able to identify yourself.

Competition information: The final time schedule together with start lists and bar heights will be presented on on Tuesday August 20 at 18.00 (6 PM) by the latest.

Cafe/food truck: Is located next to the stands in the arena.